Shipping policy
We intend to ship within a maximum of 5 working days (Mon-Fri) from the receipt of a purchase notification. If for any reason this deadline is missed or has been delayed, we shall notify you as soon as possible.
Our shipping rates are subject to change.
For international orders delivering to EU/Rest of World countries (excluding USA) - you may be asked to pay duties and/or import tax upon receipt. You will be liable for the total amount, including any handling charges. The total required will vary depending on your country - please check with your customs department for more details. Where possible, we will aim to mitigate liability by providing preferential statements with our customs documentation.
Please contact us directly at if you have any queries regarding our shipping policy, or if your item hasn’t arrived.
We are always happy to have a discussion if there is an element of our service you are dissatisfied with. Please get in touch at